One Industry Helps Cut Carbon Emissions
Cannabis is often grown indoors so it's production can be controlled. The article I read is about how the one cannabis grower helps cut the carbon emissions. Carbon is harmful to us because it increases the greenhouse effect. This means that it traps the heat in our atmosphere. So, things that live in cold climates find it hard to survive because of the Earth's warming. This cannabis grower is using different lighting to help cut the carbon emissions that is usually produced by the other type of lightings that they use. By every cannabis grower switching to the different type of lighting, this will significantly cut the carbon that is produced by cannabis. By doing this, they also have to change the nutrients and the amount of water that they need to use in order for the plants to prosper. Do you think cannabis users should switch to this different type of lighting even with the other changes that they have to do in order to make their plant grow?
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