Over the past few years mostly all loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings have been female. Which can pose an issue for the growth and reproduction of loggerhead sea turtles, since the number of male sea turtles are diminishing. This issue can be directly linked to the Earth's rising temperatures.What determines the sex of a sea turtle is the condition or temperature of their nest. If the sand is hotter then the sex of the baby will most likely be female. Since, the Earth's global temperature has been rising over the years caused by greenhouse gases and other sources of air pollution, the sand has been getting hotter as a result. Even though there has been a majority of female baby sea turtles being born there is still enough adult loggerhead's out there to reproduce and keep the population sustained .Although, if this continues to happen they can struggle to grow their population in the future. It's very important to help so they won't be put in danger of dying out. Not only to help sustain ocean ecosystems, but also having these amazing sea turtles go extinct would be a heavy loss.
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